Our Structure
Calle 24 Latino Cultural District is a completely grassroots, Latino community-driven organization. In 2015, after an extensive community input process, it incorporated as a California Public Benefit corporation and is in the process of applying for its 501(c)(3) tax exemption. We are the body that oversees and manages the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District.

Calle 24’s dedicated all-volunteer leadership Council operates the organization. The Council serves as Calle 24’s Board of Directors and meets monthly. There is a public comment section at the start of each meeting.
More in-depth public input is sought at regular community meetings, held two to four times a year. Sometimes these large community meetings are facilitated, sometimes they provide an opportunity for City and County officials to make presentations to the community, and sometimes they will be more town hall, interactive style meetings.
Calle 24’s day-to-day work is done by and through dedicated volunteers who collaborate through program advisory committees comprised of Councilpersons and other volunteers with interest, expertise and commitment in the particular program area, such as Land Use, Arts & Culture, Quality of Life, and Economic Vitality in and around the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District.
Calle 24 is now enrolling neighborhood activists, merchants, artists, youth, elders, and others to become voting members. Voting Members will elect the next group of people to serve on the Calle 24 Council.